Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Start Scripting with PowerShell


$ is used in PowerShell to create and use variables.
First time in Programming, you can use space in variable.
You can use latters, numbers, spaces and underscores in variables.
$MyVar = 7
${My Var} = “Test”
You can also give Variable type like string, integer.
                [String]$MyName = “Ronak”
                [int]$Test = 6
Now if you give $Test = “test” it will give error. Because $Test is fixed for type [int].
You can use variable as multiple types by using runtime type casting.
                $x = [int] 6  ß This will store 6 as integer in variable x
Now, $x = “Test” ß This will store string into variable x.
You can use all variable types which are available in .NET.
You can also use following commands:
  • New-Variable
  • Set-Variable
  • Get-Variable
  • Clear-Variable
  • Remove-Variable

Quotation Marks

Pay attention! Single quotes and Double quotes performs differently in PowerShell.
Double Quotes resolves all variables.
Single Quotes prevents substitutions.
$x = 2
"The Value of $x is $x" ß The Value of 2 is 2
'The Value of $x is $x' ß The Value of $x is $x
"The Value of `$x is $x" ß The Value of $x is 2

Back-trick (` sign available below Esc key) is used to prevent individual substitutions.


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