Friday, June 29, 2012

Contributor Personality Development 1990001

The new subject for the odd sem final year students i.e 7th sem students is Contributor Personlaity Development. Note that it is a compulsary subject and it carries 4 credits. It is bacially a 48 hours 4 credits subject.

·        Develop technical as well as soft skills.
·        Developing effective communication skills helpful for interview as well as group discussions.
·        Develop the effective mindset of his/her  for professional carrier. 


click here to get detailed syllabus in pdf format.
  1. Who is a Contributor
  2. The Contributor’s identity
  3. The Contributor’s vision of success
  4. The Contributor’s vision of career
  5. The scope of contribution
  6. Embarking on the journey to contributor ship
  7. Design Solutions
  8. Focus on value
  9. Engage deeply
  10. Think in Enlightened Self-interest
  11. Practice Imaginative Sympathy
  12. Demonstrate Trust Behavior
  13. Resume Building
  14. Group Discussions (GDs)
  15. Interview Skills


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